You know how Vampire's can't see their own reflection? Well, I feel like a Vampire because all of our bathroom mirrors have been taken down so when I walk into any of the bathrooms, it's just a blank wall where the mirror used to be! It's a weird feeling I tell ya! So why are the mirrors gone you ask? We are having the bathroom mirrors framed so they were picked up and taken away so we will be without mirrors for a while. There are still mirrors in the powder room and our medicine cabinet mirrors are still here so makeup and hair can still be done thank goodness. I took some before pictures so once we get them back, I'll take some after pictures and show you what we had done.
It's the right time of year to be feeling like a Vampire isn't it?! This past Saturday, we went to a Halloween party in the neighborhood. There were some really good and creative costumes. I'm not really into Halloween and the whole dressing up thing so we did simple costumes and went at Charlie Brown and Snoopy. On Halloween night, us and a few neighbors are going to set up a bbq outside and we are going to bbq and have drinks outside in front of our houses while we hand out candy. Fun!!