Lots to report!! This is a long one so hang in there!
Our stuff arrived on Monday so I've been busy, busy, busy trying to get semi-organized. What a mess of boxes and paper we have! I have most of the major stuff in the kitchen unpacked and our clothes are unpacked so the essentials are now available - yay! There is still stuff sitting all over the place but it will find a home all in due time.
Monday was also my birthday. The movers didn't leave until around 5:00 but after they left we showered and headed out to dinner and I had a wonderful meal! Salmon topped with crab served with chorizo mashed potatoes and mango avocado salsa - yum!! We also discovered a great new wine called Opolo Zinfandel. I love Zin's! Deep dark red exploding with fruit, it was delicious. I chose a restaurant we had been to before as I liked it and it wasn't too far of a drive. After I decided on the restaurant, we found out that Monday is also half price wine night! Bonus!!
This morning the pool people sprayed on the "shockcrete" which is the basic lining of the pool. It actually looks like a pool now and not a dirt hole with rebar and pipes sticking out! We have to water the shockcrete 5 times a day for a week and then they will come back and put the pool coating on. It's coming along!
I had a stressful morning today. I'm on the phone talking to someone at work and I see a bug. Gotta go so I can get the bug. You gotta get them right away so that they don't disappear and then you don't know where they are. So I get my handy dandy bug catcher and go to catch the bug and see that it's a scorpion!!! EWWWWWWWW!!! I put my bug catcher over it and went to get Glenn. He was in the shower but got out to come see once I told him there was a freaking scorpion in the kitchen! He got it into the bug catcher and flushed it down the toilet. Ick, ick, ick. I was so happy because I hadn't seen any but now I know they are around here. It was a little tiny guy but I'm sure his family is somewhere nearby. I'm hoping it was a flukey thing. There were guys in the backyard making a huge ruckus spraying the pool and Glenn had been out and in several times so hopefully that was why and this wont' be a regular thing. After the scorpion incident, I find several ants in the corner near Emily's food dish. Criminy, first a scorpion and now I have ants?!! I'm not scared of the ants, they're just a pain in the butt. I wipe them up and a few more appear and I wipe them up and a few more appear. This went on 4 or 5 times. I then saw where they were coming in. A few days ago I had HGTV on and they had a little tip about ants and said that they won't cross coffee grounds. So we put coffee grounds in front of where they were entering and I haven't seen any since. Damn, what a morning! Glenn is going to buy some bug spray on this way home tonight and spray the perimeter of the house. We will also get an exterminator service at some point.
Ok, that's all. I told you this was a long one!!!