Wednesday, September 26, 2007


A few night's ago we pulled off the road on the way home to watch the bats. Yep, every time I'm driving home at night I look for the bats around the streetlights. There is one particular spot where there are usually several flying around. It's at a spot where traffic is basically non-existent which is probably why they like it. We pulled off the road and watched 5 of them flying around and around. It was cool! A couple weeks ago, we saw a coyote in the desert fairly close to the road. I originally missed him but Glenn stopped and pulled back a little bit and there he was! I rolled down my window to talk to him and he ran away. Yes, I know they are wild animals and are dangerous and I would never approach one. I've told this story and people tell me to be careful, don't go near them etc - yes, I know! I was in the safety of the car and he was a little ways away from me-sheesh! I just wanted to say hi but he didn't want to hear me. There is also a place near the entrance to our development that I hear there is a coyote regularly. Right across the street behind a cinder block wall there is a couple of dogs that love to bark at the coyote. There is a large rock in the backyard of this house and the dogs climb up on top of the rock which puts them at the same height as the top of the cinder block wall. They stand up there and bark and bark at the desert across the street. Maybe they are calling the coyote? It's hilarious to see the little dog some little chihuahua type barking for all he's worth. Little does he know, he is coyote food and he should enjoy the safety of his backyard!!


Corinne said...

It's nice to see wildlife! We have coyotes near our house, in fact, I woke up at 4 in the morning last spring, and looked out the sliding glass door to the park behind our house. 3 coyotes were dragging off our neighbors dog. Sad day!
The desert can be so beautiful, Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

I'd rather have docile deer and the odd raccoon in my backyard.

Sounds scary!!