Sunday, July 29, 2007


We took Emily, our cat to the vet on Saturday to get caught up with her shots, talk to him about tranquilizers for the drive across country etc. She hates riding in the car so I have been a bit nervous about how she will do riding across country. After the vet, we decided to take a little drive on the highway to see how she did. She was doing fairly well, letting out a little meow every so often but not too bad. I was thinking maybe she would be ok after getting used to it. So we continue driving and we are almost home and I smell something nasty. Turns out she pooped and pee'd in her carrier! She has never done that or gone to the bathroom anywhere but in her litter box. I never even considered that would be something we needed to be concerned about with her in the car. We will take her for a ride a couple more times this week and see how she does. I hate to do it but we may just have to drug her for a few days. The vet gave us the kitty equivalent of valium and another drug. Poor kitty.....


Anonymous said...

My poor baby Grandma loves her

Anonymous said...

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