Wednesday, August 15, 2007

So, who is there??

Ok, who is out there reading my blog? I'm just curious. I get a couple comments here and there and once in a while someone tells me they are reading it but I'm curious who is out there reading?


Anonymous said...

I'm here. Do you miss us yet? We miss you!!

You're going to miss the butler bringing the invitations for the Old Timers Club. I think he's coming next week. I'm going to take pictures.

PS: I guess we can take our lunch meeting off of our calendar - ha?

Anonymous said...

I'm here!

Anonymous said...

I'm here too! I forgot about your blog until today. I'm reading it while I'm eating my lunch. A few more hours and I'm on VACATION!!!! (finally).

I can't believe the movers have not arrived yet! I would be pissed! When you booked them, did they tell you they had to fill the truck before taking the trip?

Anonymous said...

I am here, wanted to see if you got your furniture yet. I am still here, no baby yet. I miss my breakfast friend! Hope all is well. I will keep checking in!

Anonymous said...

Hey there!
Congrats on the move - the pictures of your home are gorgeous! Happy kitty made it out there ok also. So how are you going to cook for my next DR if you are all the way out there????

Unknown said...

I am here!

He and She said...

I'm here, too! (Although, I do forget to check every day - sorry!)

Corinne said...

Of course I read! I look forward to every word!

Happy Princess Birthday weekend!

Anonymous said...

I think this is a great way to keep in touch with everyone. It is also a way that we all know what is going on in your life. Of course I will still call you probably more than you would like. BUT this is a mom's privilege Right???????

Connie said...

I finally got to read your blog. We can't wait to come visit. Make sure you make Glenn kill all those nasty spiders first though! We love you!
Your little sister and family

Anonymous said...

I'm here too! I was at the shore a few days last week!

Beanne said...

I am here! I was out for a few days and also forgot you had a blog! I am glad you finally got your stuff and had a nice Birthday!