Monday, August 13, 2007


No our stuff isn't here yet. But I just have to say how nice it's going to be to buy wine, beer and any other alcoholic beverage in any grocery store! Even at Sam's Club & Costco!! We were in Sam's Club with our friends over the weekend and they have a whole aisle of vodka, gin, tequila, whiskey etc not to mention a fine selection of wine and beer! How nice is that?!! For those of you out there not familiar with the PA laws, you have to go to a state store for wine and hard alcohol. Some of the state stores were specialty stores and had a better wine selection than the "regular" state stores. If you want beer, you have to go to a special beverage store that sells beer and soda and when you go to one of these special beer stores, you can only buy a case of beer. You cannot buy a six pack/12 pack etc. If you want a six pack, you have to go to a restaurant that sells beer and there are no alcoholic beverages in the grocery store. It's workable, you just have to know the rules but I like the rules here better!!!


Corinne said...

You ain't seen nothing to you live in Nevada! It is nice to be able to do it all in one spot!

I can't believe your furniture isn't there yet. Hurry up and wait, eh?

Anonymous said...

I can't belive that your belongings have yet to arrive! Sound like you found a perfect way (good old alcohol)to disfuse any stress though. Have fun exploring your new surroundings.

Anonymous said...

Gotta love that one stop shopping! I remember the first time I went to Florida and saw single bottles of beer in with the sodas, juices etc... at a local 7/11. I wish we had that convenience here!