Thursday, December 6, 2007


My Mom called me the other day to let me know they weren't floating away in all the terrible flooding going on in the Pacific Northwest. That was good to hear but Mom was sick, she has strep throat. Poor Momma. After I talked to her that day, she boiled some water to fix herself some top ramen. She went back to bed to eat her soup. Mmmmm, warm soup on a sore throat. She put her bowl up to take a sip of broth and the bowl spilled all over her chest. Owwww!!! She called me today after going to the doctor and she has 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree burns. Poor Momma! Send good thoughts her way!!!


Anonymous said...

Ouch! Poor Momma! Get well soon. We're thinking of you and sending good thoughts your way.

Corinne said...

I'm glad their home is safe! The pictures on the news have been frightening!

Strep is no fun, add third degree burns on top of that, and yikes. I hope she recovers well.